Although in many states in the US gambling has become one of the most enjoyable pastimes for many thousands of excited gamers, unfortunately the land based casino doors have not yet been opened in Alaska. As Alaska is one of the stricter states of the union, gamblers who enjoy taking to the tables or spinning on the slots will have to opt for online casinos to get their fix instead.
See, in 2005, the state house legalized many casino games such as poker, cribbage, rummy and bridge for playing online. As a result, those from the state of Alaska have been either venturing to other states of America for a land based casino experience, or making use of the many online casino options out there today in order to enjoy the fabulous world of virtual gambling which has become increasingly popular in recent years.
Although poker rooms are legal in Alaska, it is common for players to incur heavy fees along the way. For this, among other reasons, it is advisable to opt for the broader poker online casino options that are available. In today’s day and age there are many hundreds of online casinos accepting US players and offering an all round great virtual gambling environment. And it’s not just great poker offerings that online casinos offer to gamblers in Alaska. On the contrary, all the top tier online casinos are powered by the finest quality in gaming software and will present you with many hundreds of all the greatest casino classics for tables and slots as well as specialty games too. As well as this, most online casinos with a good name will serve up attractive welcome bonuses for players to redeem upon their initial deposit—so be sure to redeem these promotions before it’s too late.
What’s more, the best online casinos have been around for a number of years now and ensure all players are gaming in only exceptional safety at every click. The most reputable online gambling establishments warmly welcome American players to make deposits as well as withdrawals with the secure and convenient banking methods of Visa or MasterCard. Browse our list of the most reputable and trustworthy establishments to gain an understanding of which websites are the best to game at.
Alaska Gambling Laws
Alaska is a state known for its great outdoors, with most activities available being directly related to the wilderness. These would have to do for heavy gamblers around the state, considering that gambling options are very few in the area. The gambling laws in this state are very restrictive as compared to other states. Even tribal casinos, which are abundant in other states that do not allow commercial gambling, are not at all present in Alaska. Only a few gaming establishments that offer mostly bingo and pull-tab games can be enjoyed.
There are no casinos in the state, both commercial and tribal. As for tribal laws, there are two requirements for Native American tribes to be able to open up their own gaming facilities. First, they have to own land that has been federally designated as “Indian country”. Second, the state should allow the form of gambling that they plan to operate, often with a few additional taxes involved. However, only one tribe meets the first criteria (the Metlakatla found in Southeast Alaska), and the state remains strict when it comes to casino gambling. Because of this, most residents would enjoy casino gambling on cruises instead, while in international waters or off the Canadian coast.
Online Poker
There are no news about online poker in Alaska. There have been no bills or public discussions about the topic as well. But if you want to play regulated online poker, it should not be a problem. All sites that take US players welcome poker players from Alaska, and wWhile players from other US states have limited choices, Alaska does not have such restrictions. Poker players may choose from various real-money online poker sites that are operating legally within the area.
Sports Betting
There are currently no race tracks or land-based sportsbooks in the state; however, their charity gambling legislation allows some quasi-sports gambling opportunities. You can bet on the state’s sport, Dog Mushing, or salmon fishing contests.
Lottery Betting
The closest the Alaskans have to a state lottery is the pull tab games, which are paper-based lotto-type cards. It’s like a low-tech version of a scratch card where you pull open perforated tabs to reveal symbols that correspond to certain prizes. And with the absence of a state lottery, Alaska also does not participate in inter-state lottery games.
Bingo halls can be found within the state and are run by native groups or charitable organizations under the regulation of charity gambling laws. This is the big difference between tribal gaming in Alaska and other states. Where other states have allowed those on reservation lands to build their own casinos, Native Americans only have bingo halls, such as the Metlakatla Bingo Hall and Klawock Bingo. People under the age of 19 are not allowed to participate in Bingo games.
Other Types of Gambling
Several games are allowed within the state’s premises. Included in this category are Deep Freeze Classic, Canned Salmon Classic, Fish Derby, Ice Classic, Goose Classic, King Salmon Classic, Mushing Sweepstakes, Mercury Classic, Rain Classic, Race Classic, Numbers Wheels and Snow Machine Classic to name a few.
Live Poker
There are no poker rooms or regulated live poker games in this state. However, poker games held at home are permitted, so long as they are done socially and no house or individual will be making a profit out of the poker games.
Online Casinos
As covered by their existing laws, online casinos are prohibited in Alaska. There is also no recorded enforcement activity against online gamblers.
Social In-Home Gambling
As long as no one gains profit from the activity, it is allowed.
Gambling is mostly directly related to charity in Alaska. Also, licenses for charity gambling in the state are issued and controlled by the tax authority, and follow very strict guidelines. Qualifying for a permit for charitable gaming would mean that you would have to be a non-profit organization that has at least 25 residents as members. Charitable games are limited to raffles, pull-tab games, and bingo. Although Monte Carlo games used to be allowed, this was repealed in 1996.
It is also very interesting to note that where other states enforce strict punishment against both the player and the organizer, Alaskan gambling laws put more focus on the people running the games over those who are participating in them.